So Much Snow…

Snow TinkleSo we had a monster of a storm last week.  No one really expected to be snowed in for a few days, least of all my two dogs.  Penny, the small black poodle/terrier mix, is very scrappy.  Snow is more of a challenge for her.  She loves it.  She runs through it with all her heart.  Bobbing, weaving, and finally flying with sparkly flakes cascading behind her. She loves the bling.  Alexander on the other hand, a strapping 75 lb shepherd, is petrified of getting his wittle feet cold.  He usually makes it down the stairs of the deck to collapse in the snow with his feet in the air in a helpless stance of “come get me”.  Meanwhile, Penny is running circles around him throwing snow on him and I swear, laughing.  After the snow and ice had passed, I let them out and Penny proceeded to celebrate the winter day.  Alexander went around the corner in an attempt to fool me that he was going down into the yard.  I went about my business in the kitchen and turned around to see him looking in the back door, going to the bathroom right on the deck.  A couple of hours later he went out again, walked over to it, smelled it, and had the nerve to look like “Ohhhhhh…..who would do such a thing?!?”


Filed under animals, Dogs, house, Seasons, Snow Day, Uncategorized

2 responses to “So Much Snow…

  1. Martha Moesker

    Welcome back! Both Joe and I laughed at the cartoon and the description of Xander’s distain for snow and ice. Thanks for using the gift of a little free time to spread smiles and chuckles.

  2. Joy

    Penny Ann and Xander…proof that stereotyping is for the birds… squirrels …cats…who knows, it just doesnt hold water! love it!!

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